This web-based teaching resource illustrates the effects of variable retention harvesting on soil preparation practices and fertilization on soil properties of a Pinus radiata plantation in South Africa. This multimedia teaching resource has been developed to enhance material covered in the APBI 402 / SOIL 502 – Sustainable Soil Management course offered at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. The learning objectives of the teaching resource are to allow students to (1) identify major limitations to forest productivity for contrasting site types of the Cape Forest region, South Africa, and (2) explore the long-term effects of forest soil preparation management practices (pitting, mounding and bedding) and fertilization on soil properties and interpret the potential impact on soil conservation or depletion and more broadly to sustainable forest management.
Funding provided by the UBC’s Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (2018)
Team members:
- Dr. Maja Krzic (UBC)
- Khalil Walji (UN-FAO, Rome, Italy)
- Dr. Ben du Toit (Stellenbosh University, South Africa)
- Saeed Dyanatkar (UBC)
- Michael Sider (UBC), and
- Chris Crowley (UBC)
Click here to visit the Pinus radiata Plantation in South Africa website